Introduction: This guide explains the two methods for deploying or sharing your decision tree in LeadsHook: using a Direct Link or an Embed Code. Option 1: Direct Link Option 2: Embed Code Step by Step Instructions 1. Direct Link The Direct Link is a straightforward way to share your decision tree. 2. Embed Code The […]
Articles Tagged: decision tree
How to Embed a decision Tree using a popup Button
Introduction: This guide presents a step-by-step process on how to display a decision tree in a popup on your website using LeadsHook. In this article, we will learn how to display the decision tree in popup. This feature will display a BUTTON and when clicked will display your decision tree in a pop-up: Video Instructions […]
How to Import Decision Trees Into Your LeadsHook Account
In this article we explain how to import your decision trees into your account. Step 1: Select Decision Trees from Top Navigation Step 2: Click the “Import” button as shown below Step 3: Select & Import Your decision tree will be added to an import queue that usually takes about 10 seconds. Please go back […]
How to add a slider? To enter numerical answer
Introduction This guide illustrates how to add a slider to your decision tree in LeadsHook, enabling your leads to provide numerical answers easily. Example: Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Create a number answer custom field Step 2: Create a slider Step 3: Format the slider as needed. Conclusion: Adding a slider to your decision […]
How to add images to decision tree?
Introduction: This guide outlines how to add images to your decision tree in LeadsHook using the text editor. Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1. Click the image icon on text editor Step 2. Click Browse Server Step 3. Upload your images Step 4. Click Select Conclusion: Adding images to your decision tree can make it more engaging […]
How to add videos to decision tree?
Introduction: This guide explains how to embed videos in your decision tree in LeadsHook using the text editor. Step-by-Step Instructions: Here is how to embed videos using the text editor: 2. Click Embed 3. Copy the code 4. Click Source, paste your YouTube video code in the text editor. Finally, click Source again. 5. You […]
Deploying Your Decision Tree to Go Live
Introduction This article guides you through deploying your decision tree and embedding it on your website. By following the provided step-by-step instructions, you can take your decision tree live on your website quickly and efficiently. Step by Step Instructions Step 1: In your decision tree canvas view, click on “Embed Code.” Step 2: Untick the […]
How to add tags on the decision tree itself?
Introduction: Tagging a decision tree in LeadsHook can help identify which campaign acquired a particular lead. For instance, a decision tree tagged as “travel” will apply the same tag to leads who engage with that campaign. Step by Step Instructions 1. Click the gear icon, then “Details” 2. Enter the tag(s) on “Tags”. Remember to […]