
This guide explains how to embed videos in your decision tree in LeadsHook using the text editor.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Here is how to embed videos using the text editor:

  1. Find your video on YouTube, then click Share

2. Click Embed

3. Copy the code

4. Click Source, paste your YouTube video code in the text editor. Finally, click Source again.

5. You should remove the width and height, so that your video size will be optimally displayed based on your lead’s screen size and devices.


Embedding videos in your decision tree can make it more interactive and engaging. By following these instructions, you can efficiently embed videos from YouTube into your decision tree in LeadsHook. If you need any help, feel free to reach out to us at LeadsHook Community.


  • Can I embed videos from platforms other than YouTube?
    • Yes, you can embed videos from any platform that provides an embed code, but the process might slightly differ.