Background “On December 13, 2023, the Commission adopted the Second Text Blocking Report and Order inthe above-captioned proceedings. In this rule making, the Commission adopted a new rule that makes itunequivocally clear that prior express written consent under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act must be to one seller at a time.” From FCC Public Notice […]
Category: Decision Tree
How to create Multiple Sliders in a single Node
Introduction: This guide will show you how to create multiple sliders in a single node. Currently Leadshook is only capable of having one slider in a single node. You can use the Custom code below to have multiple sliders. Note: You will need a developer if you wish to alter the code we provide for […]
How to Display Your Decision Trees on Your Own Domain
Introduction: Please watch the video below for instruction on how to display your decision trees on your own domain… Note: As per our Domain Policy and as stated on our initial Domain migration instructions. Once you agree to migrate a domain, you won’t be able to remove it until the next 30 days. You can […]
Validating special characters in the first name and last name input fields on a form node using JavaScript
Introduction: This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to implement a JavaScript script for validating first and last name input fields in a form. The script ensures that these fields contain only letters, spaces, and for the last names, single quotes. Implementing the script Step 1: Firstly, add the following script into the form […]
Integrate Google Places Map to display on the next node after the user enters Google address autocomplete
Introduction: This guide provides custom scripts to move the users to the next node the moment they click any address from the Google Places Address validation dropdown. Step by Step Guide: Step 1: Enable Google Address Autocomplete Step 2: Map Google Address API Fields to Leadshook Custom Fields Step 3: Create Q&A node and Select […]
How to create a Decision Tree Based on LeadsHook Templates
Introduction: In this article, we will learn how to create a decision tree based on LeadsHook templates. Note: Free base templates are available on all Leadshook accounts. Step by Step Instructions: fgfcvbStep 1: Login into your LeadsHook account using the Login button on the upper right part of our homepage: Step 2: Click […]
How to assign your own class to Form Node Buttons
Please Note: This is only advised for users who are using a third party tracking system that requires a unique button class on your form node. Introduction Some third party require a specific button class to triggers and track a certain node. Since Leadshook would have the same classes for each Form Node button, then […]
Guide to CSS Class Transition for Decision Tree Conversion from V1 to V2
Please Note: You can easily optimize for V2 using Appearance setting, this guide is tailored for users who has custom CSS from V1 and want to retain it in V2. They will need to use the updated CSS selectors based on the mapping below in order for their previous CSS code to work properly with […]
How to use Debug Mode (new Enhancement)
Please Note: Debug Mode is only available for V2 Decision Trees, so all the more reason to upgrade and convert your DTs to V2 now! Introduction We are excited to unveil our latest enhancement: Debug Mode. Testing complex decision trees can be tedious and daunting! This enhancement is designed to show you what’s happening under […]
How to setup Exit Intent Popup on your Decision Tree
Please Note: We will have this as a direct feature on our upcoming Page Builder in Leadshook soon. Introduction In this article, we’ll share an example of the use of Exit Intent Pop-ups using a decision tree within a decision tree. IMPORTANT: You can create any DT for the Pop up Dt. Step 1: Please […]