How to Display Your Decision Trees on Your Own Domain

Introduction: Please watch the video below for instruction on how to display your decision trees on your own domain… Note: As per our Domain Policy and as stated on our initial Domain migration instructions. Once you agree to migrate a domain, you won’t be able to remove it until the next 30 days. You can […]

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How to create a Decision Tree Based on LeadsHook Templates

Introduction: In this article, we will learn how to create a decision tree based on LeadsHook templates. Note: Free base templates are available on all Leadshook accounts. Step by Step Instructions: fgfcvbStep 1: Login into your LeadsHook account using the Login button on the upper right part of our homepage:   Step 2: Click […]

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Align the image either left or right on the answer button

Introduction There are no settings or options to put the image side by side with the text on the answer button, however, a little CSS should do the job. Here is the CSS code: And here is the code explanation. Please feel free to adjust the code according to your needs. And here is the […]

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How to add a tooltip

Introduction In this article, you will learn how you can add a tooltip. A tooltip is often used to specify extra information about something when the user moves the mouse pointer over an element. Step by Step Instructions LeadsHook provides 2 options to add a tooltip in a node. I. First Option: Using node level […]

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Version 1 and version 2 grid design differences

You might notice design differences between version 1 and version 2 of LeadsHook. The main reason for this is that version 1 uses bootstrap while version 2 uses pure CSS. One major difference between the two is the use of the grid system. Bootstrap Grid System Bootstrap includes a responsive, mobile-first fluid grid system that […]

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How to Switch the positions for Back and Next Buttons

Introduction In this article, you will learn how to switch back and next buttons. From To If you want to apply this on the whole Decision Tree, please Go to the Global Level Scripts via Admin> Scripts, and click the Add button. Copy and paste the code below: Please take note: Add the script in […]

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How to create 2 columns in mobile view

Here is how to create 2 columns in mobile view. Step 1: Go to the decision tree scripts as shown in the image below. Step 2: Click on the “Add” button under the Decision Tree Scripts. Step 3: Add the code below Step 4: Save and publish.

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How to add CSS to a node

Introduction Its possible to modify the visual aspect of any given HTML in a node. As we are scripting, we should really do a comprehensive course on HTML & CSS first. I recommend the official W3C tutorial online: Once we understand that, it will be relatively easy to modify the design of HTML elements […]

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Change the DT title using a script

Introduction Step-by-Step Instructions: In the DT level scripts: Step 1: Create a new script above the closing </head> section Step 2: Simply copy this code: Change the text in double quotes to be your new title.

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