Please Note: You can easily optimize for V2 using Appearance setting, this guide is tailored for users who has custom CSS from V1 and want to retain it in V2. They will need to use the updated CSS selectors based on the mapping below in order for their previous CSS code to work properly with […]
Category: Troubleshooting
How to use Debug Mode (new Enhancement)
Please Note: Debug Mode is only available for V2 Decision Trees, so all the more reason to upgrade and convert your DTs to V2 now! Introduction We are excited to unveil our latest enhancement: Debug Mode. Testing complex decision trees can be tedious and daunting! This enhancement is designed to show you what’s happening under […]
Complete Guide to Page Speed Analysis
WARNING! TECHNICAL ARTICLE Introduction In this article, you’ll learn details on how to analyze your pages. September 2023: Leadshook V2 is already available as a standalone DT fully separated from a V1 DT. Background A common question, we get is how to improve Google Page Speed score. My conversions are down so must be because […]
If Direct Link is working and Embed isn’t. How to find the issue?
Introduction: Sometimes when you embed your Decision Tree, you might encounter some issues. However your Direct link works fine. Here is how to troubleshoot it. Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Make sure you added the correct Decision Tree. Step 2: Publish your Decision Tree without the preview code Step 3: Test your page with another browser. […]
Troubleshooting Webhooks & API calls
Introduction: Headers Often when setting up a webhook or API call in LeadsHook the request will fail even though it looks 100% The reason for this in many cases is that the content-type request header is missing. The content-type request header tells the server what format we are using for our payload. The most common […]
How to Setup Conversions Tracking Using Voluum
Introduction: You can learn more about Voluum here: VOLUUM SETTINGS Step 1: Make Note of Your Custom Conversions Please note all of these conversion events are tracked using parameter “et”… In the postback URL or conversion tracking pixel, there is a parameter, called et, and conversions will be categorized based on its value. Some affiliate networks let you input a […]
How to Split-Test Your Decision Trees
Video 1: Introduction Video 2: What is Split-Testing? Video 3: Don’t Waste Split-Testing! Video 4: How to Setup Split-Testing OUTSIDE LeadsHook Video 5: How to Setup Split-Testing INSIDE LeadsHook Part 1 Video 6:How to Setup Split-Testing INSIDE LeadsHook Part 2 Video 7: How to Split-Test Your Start Pages Video 8: How to Track & Visualise […]
Decision Trees On Convertri Users who are using Convertri will noticed their decision trees do not display too well or in cases gives a blank screen on the 2nd node. This is a known issue with Convertri. The parent element that holds the decision tree embed code, has a position absolute in css. This will break the layout […]
Troubleshooting Page Speed Issues
Introduction: In this article and video, you’ll learn… The 2 methods we use to analyze page speeds Here are some results for a more real world comparison. Basically people on slow connections, are used to a certain type of experience so speed is a relative measure. It’s a problem if someone on a fast internet […]
Speed Test your Decision Tree