
You can learn more about Voluum here:


Step 1: Make Note of Your Custom Conversions

Please note all of these conversion events are tracked using parameter “et”…

In the postback URL or conversion tracking pixel, there is a parameter, called et, and conversions will be categorized based on its value. Some affiliate networks let you input a specific postback URL for specific events, conversion types, but some only let you input one specific URL with a dynamic token that returns the event type name. This is why within Voluum you can define multiple et values that will be considered to be the same conversion type.

If you cannot use the postback URLs to track conversions, it is also possible to add the et parameter to your tracking pixel following the same pattern as for the postback URL. You can find an example how the tracking URL should look like in the FAQ section below.

The conversion types can only be defined by the owner of the Voluum account. Users, who were invited by the account owner and got access to the Voluum platform, cannot add the conversion types to the Voluum platform. See OVERVIEW section

Step 2: Make Note Of Your Conversion Tracking – You Will Be Using Postback URL

Step 3: Traffic Sources: Add Click ID Parameter


Step 4: Inside LeadsHook, Create an answer text field called ‘cid’ as shown below…

Step 5: Go to Decision Tree and click the node where you want to trigger a conversion… (usually the results page but can be any other node too).

Step 6: Add the Postback URL from Step 2 as shown below…

The raw link from Voluum looks like this…

Update REPLACE with {cid} and add et=lead so your URL looks like this…{cid}&et=lead


Step 7: Voluum: Grab the campaign URL and test

Your should end up at your landing with cid variable as shown below…

Your lead inside LeadsHook will show this cid field as well…

And finally in the NETWORK tab in your browsr, you’ll see the postback URL firing. Also please confirm an increase in conversions inside Voluum. It can take about 2-3 mins for data to update…

Congratulations… you have setup conversions tracking inside Voluum.