IMPORTANT: You can use this as an alternative for Debounce, as Debounce is currently not accepting new users right now. Emailable is an alternate solution for real-time email verification. You may sign up for an account with with them by going to their website: STEP 1: Create Q&A Email field STEP 2: Click the Add […]
Category: Data Validation
How to Setup Real-Time Email Verification with Emailable
IMPORTANT: You can use this as an alternative for Debounce, as Debounce is currently not accepting new users right now. Emailable is an alternate solution for real-time email verification. You may sign up for an account with with them by going to their website: STEP 1: Create Q&A Email field STEP 2: Click the Add […]
Filtering South African Numbers to either accept 6 or 10 digits
This guide will teach you on how to setup your Decision Tree to either only accept 6 or 10 digit African numbers. The only way to filter the numbers is for Leadshook to do the initial mobile validation for 6 or 10 digits then use a script to count the total digits then create a […]
Validate Australian Postcode using Regex
It’s possible to validate your Australian postcodes using a regular expression. Make sure to click save, and then publish your decision tree before testing.
Mapping Google Address API Fields to Leadshook Custom Fields
This article provides an example decision tree, which already has the Google Address API fields mapped to the corresponding LeadsHook custom field. For your convenience, you can import the provided example decision tree into your account so you can access all the pre-mapped custom fields without having to create them manually. How to Import Decision […]
How to Setup Real-Time Email Verification with ZeroBounce
ZeroBounce is an alternate solution for real-time email verification. You may sign up for an account with ZeroBounce by going to their website IMPORTANT: Zerobounce NO longer works for Leadshook. Please use the other alternatives below. STEP 1: Create Q&A Email field STEP 2: Click the Add Scripts button STEP 3: Enter the name […]
Google Places – extra Address verification script
PLEASE NOTE: This script is provided to help you get started. Unfortunately, our free support does not include custom scripts. Any competent JS developer should be able to manipulate this script for your needs. Please contact us if you need help to find a developer. Please thoroughly test before use. In a question node of […]
Anti Spam/Abuse verification Dialog
Introduction: Here are the steps to create our own custom dialog: Step 1: Create a number custom field called “random_saved”. And set it as visible. And create another number field called “answer”. Again set it as visible. Step 2: Drag a form node on to the canvas and set it up how you like -> […]
Validate US Postcode using regex
Introduction: Its possible to validate your US Postcodes using a regular expression. Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Drag and drop an question node onto the canvas. Specify the type as “text” Step 2: Under “Advanced Options” select “Regex” Copy and paste this regular expression: Step 4: Under preview you can test by entering a US post […]
Validate UK Postcode using regex
Introduction: Its possible to validate your UK Postcodes using a regular expression. Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Drag and drop an question node onto the canvas. Specify the type as “text” Step 2: Under “Advanced Options” select “Regex” Step 3: Copy and paste this regular expression: Step 4: Under preview you can test by entering a […]