Introduction: The article outlines the steps to adjust your embedded Decision Tree on a page that uses a ‘sticky’ header. Headers house the main menu and can be either fixed or sticky. While embedding a Decision Tree, we ensure minimal scrolling for users. However, for pages with sticky headers, additional settings are required to prevent […]
Category: Troubleshooting
How to Troubleshoot Leads Transfer to Your Email Service Provider (ESP)
Introduction: This guide outlines steps to troubleshoot when your leads are not transferring as expected to your Email Service Provider (ESP) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Prerequisites: Step 1: Check ESP Limits Step 2: Verify Form Attachment and Opt-in Settings Step 3: Inspect ESP Connection in LeadsHook Step 4: Examine Field Mapping Step 5: […]
How to clear local storage in Google Chrome (and other browsers 2024)
Introduction: If your embedded decision tree isn’t displaying accurately on your browser, clearing the local storage can help. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for doing so in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Step by Step Instructions Chrome Here’s how to clear the local storage in Google Chrome: Firefox Here’s how to clear the […]