Introduction: In this article, we will learn how to create a decision tree based on LeadsHook templates. Note: Free base templates are available on all Leadshook accounts. Step by Step Instructions: fgfcvbStep 1: Login into your LeadsHook account using the Login button on the upper right part of our homepage: Step 2: Click […]
Articles Tagged: decision tree
How to Publish Your Decision Tree
Introduction: Time to go live? Here is how to publish your decision tree. Step by Step Instructions Step 1: Click Publish Step 2: Make sure to fix the errors (texts in red) if there are any. Step 3: You can ignore the warnings and proceed with publishing the decision tree by clicking “Proceed” Step 4: […]
How to Use Conditional Dropdowns in Your Decision Tree
In the short video below you’ll learn how to setup your conditional dropdown. What’s is a Conditional Dropdown? It’s a combination of dropdowns where the values available for selection change based on previous selection. Example: If you select a specific car make, say, Toyota then you’ll only its models. How to Setup a Conditional Dropdown […]
How to Build a Calculator With Custom Page Nodes
Introduction In this article, you’ll learn how to use custom page nodes to save data into custom fields and then use the custom fields in a JS function. Test the decision tree here: PLEASE NOTE: When IMPORTING a Decision Tree that contains custom page nodes with custom fields, then you MUST create the corresponding […]
A simple way to prevent searching engines from indexing your decision tree
I. To prevent most search engine web crawlers from indexing your decision tree, Add the following script under admin and use it for any/all DTs you want. II. To prevent most search engine web crawlers from indexing a page on your site, place the following meta tag into the <head> section of your decision tree: […]
How to Export & Import Decision Trees
Introduction: In this article, we will walk you through the process of transferring decision trees between different LeadsHook accounts. This feature allows users to share, rent, or sell their decision trees with ease. After following the instructions provided in this article, you will be able to export and import decision trees successfully. Exporting Decision Tree: […]
How to Send Your Leads From LeadsHook to Go High Level
Introduction In this article you’ll discover how to send leads to Go High Level using Webhook Node. Special thanks to Rob Olsen who has provided much of the content shared on page. Please see the accompanying detailed notes below as well… PLEASE NOTE: You no longer have to use the custom script to format phone […]
LeadsHook In-Canvas Analytics
Introduction: Step 1: Up the top right you will see the Analytics button. Go ahead and hit it. Step 2: You will see some purple balloons appear under each node showing statistics for each node. Step 3: If you hover over one of them you will see a tool-tip appear explaining what each metric means. […]
How to Add Urgency Using a Countdown Timer to Your Decision Tree
Introduction: In this guide we will show you how to display count down across all the nodes in your DT. And then additionally redirect out of LeadsHook when the countdown completes. Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1. Simply copy paste the below code to the HTML section in your appearance settings. Here’s the code: Step 2. Copy […]
If Direct Link is working and Embed isn’t. How to find the issue?
Introduction: Sometimes when you embed your Decision Tree, you might encounter some issues. However your Direct link works fine. Here is how to troubleshoot it. Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Make sure you added the correct Decision Tree. Step 2: Publish your Decision Tree without the preview code Step 3: Test your page with another browser. […]