
This guide explains the two methods for deploying or sharing your decision tree in LeadsHook: using a Direct Link or an Embed Code.

Option 1: Direct Link

Option 2: Embed Code

Step by Step Instructions

1. Direct Link

The Direct Link is a straightforward way to share your decision tree.

  • In your decision tree settings, untick the “Preview” checkbox and copy the provided URL.
  • You can share this URL directly with your leads.

2. Embed Code

The Embed Code lets you integrate your decision tree within your website.

  • In your decision tree settings, untick the “Preview” checkbox and copy the provided code.
  • This code can be integrated into your website’s source code. For instance, in WordPress, you can create a new post, switch to the “Code Editor” view, and paste the code there.


Both Direct Link and Embed Code serve different purposes for deploying your decision tree. You can use a Direct Link for quick sharing through emails or social media, whereas an Embed Code is ideal for integrating the decision tree within your website itself.

How to Display Decision Tree in Popup?