Introduction: Please watch the video below for instruction on how to display your decision trees on your own domain… Note: As per our Domain Policy and as stated on our initial Domain migration instructions. Once you agree to migrate a domain, you won’t be able to remove it until the next 30 days. You can […]
Articles Tagged: custom domain
How to Verify Your Custom Domains
YOUR CUSTOM DOMAINS AND LEADSHOOK SUBDOMAINS CAN BE VERIFIED Introduction In this article, you’ll learn how to verify your custom domain or LeadsHook domain with Facebook. You can use the same steps to verify your domain with any other app or system. Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Log into Facebook Business. Step 2: Adding Meta tags […]
How to Add Your LeadsHook Domain to ‘Allow List’ — Receive Events for Facebook Pixel
Introduction In this article you’ll learn how to add your LeadsHook account url so your event data can be submitted to your Facebook pixel. Please note: This action is different to verifying your domain. Please see an upcoming article on Facebook Domain Verification. WARNING! By default, Facebook receives data from ALL domains where you have […]