
In this article you’ll learn about to setup and use the SMS Notification Node

You’ll need the following…

  1. A Twilio Account
  2. A LeadsHook Account


Step 1: Buy a phone number

The above step is optional

Step 2: Step up the SMS Service

Now please test your step up from INSIDE Twilio. Do NOT proceed further unless you get an SMS on your phone.

24: Please scroll down until you see…


26: Success message

27: Code 201 as shown

And please confirm you have received an SMS on your mobile

Step 3: Setup in LeadsHook

Please copy and paste your credentials as shown below…

Confirm the Account Balance matches. This confirms you have successfully added your SMS connection…

Add the SMS Notification Node…

Select the Messaging Service and Integration you setup at Twilio…

39: you can add a mobile/phone custom field here…

Or enter a phone number with a + and country code…

Publish and testing your decision tree…

Now go to Leads and confirm the API Request and Response as shown below…

You have successfully integrated SMS Notifications. To reuse the integration simple repeat STEPS 35 to 40.

OPTIONAL SETTING: Alphanumeric Sender ID

In case you want to use a descriptive name (instead of a phone number), such as your product or business name, then you can use this additional setting. Your SMS will arrive with your business name as shown below…

Step 1: Inside Twilio, ensure your Alphanumeric Sender ID is set to ‘ENABLED’

Step 2: Inside LeadsHook, Open your SMS Notification Node and set it up as follows.

Please following these formatting requirements…

Alphanumeric Sender IDs can contain up to 11 characters from the following categories:

  • Upper-case letters A – Z
  • Lower-case letters a – z
  • Numbers 0 – 9
  • Spaces
  • Sender IDs must contain at least one letter. Special characters and punctuation are not allowed.

Step 3: Publish and Test