There may be instances where you need to perform a calculation for a field before redirecting the values out via an exit URL or performing a hidden calculation at an intermediate step. This guide will explain how to force such calculations in LeadsHook.
Use Case: If you have needs to perform a calculation for a field BEFORE redirecting the values out via an exit URL or to perform a hidden calculation at an intermediate step, then please add the calculated field(s) in the text editor.
<p style="display:none">Custom_Field: {custom_field}</p>
The important part: style=“display:none” which ensures LeadsHook executes the calculation so values are available for redirect or for use by another calculated field.
Forcing a calculation allows you to perform hidden computations or prepare certain data before redirecting a user in your decision trees. By following this guide, you can effectively implement this in your LeadsHook decision trees.