This guide will demonstrate various methods of adding a Facebook pixel to your decision trees in LeadsHook. Implementing a Facebook pixel allows you to track, analyze, and optimize your social media campaigns more effectively.
- An active LeadsHook account
- A Facebook Business Manager account with an accessible Facebook Pixel
There are 3 ways to add external scripts inside LeadsHook
Account Level Scripts
Use this method for scripts and pixels you wish to include in multiple decision trees. This is typically used for client tracking codes. To add these, navigate to the Admin > Scripts > Click “Add”
Decision Level Scripts
Script and pixels you want to only use in ONE decision tree. Generally these will be decision tree specific scripts such as tracking pixel for testing or decision specific CSS.
Node Level Scripts
Scripts and pixels want to fire or work at a node level. In the case of Facebook these will be Facebook events such as view content, leads etc.
Facebook pixel works on every page and node so these are applied to the whole decision tree.
You can add the pixel at the decision level or global level and then SELECT the pixel to be applied to each decision tree
Where to Find Your FaceBook Pixel
Login into Facebook Business Manager and go to Pixels…
Copy Facebook Pixel:
Paste it inside Global Scripts or Decision Tree Scripts as shown above…