Implement Alen Sultanic's

The Hidden Architecture of Quiz Funnels in 10 Simple Phases...

Watch These Short Videos & Implement

The Ultimate Guide to Creating High-Converting Quiz Funnels

Alen Sultanic of Nothing Held Back has been very generous and kind with the recommendation of LeadsHook as a solution for implementation of quiz funnels.

In case you’re not aware of Alen’s framework for creating Quiz Funnels, then be sure to study the original post along with related great questions and comments in the Nothing Held Back facebook group.

Table of Contents

Level-Up Your Quiz Funnel Game
With This Implementation Guide…

If you’ve been in marketing for more than 5 minutes, then you’ll appreciate the honest no-BS implementation guide on how to take Alen’s framework and bring it to life…

… without wasting thousands of dollars on design and tracking and analytics
… without wasting tens or hundreds of hours putting out SOS calls on FB groups

Here’s a typical scenario I’ve seen play out when it comes to creating quiz funnels…

  • 1
    Conduct competitor research

  • 2
    All of my competitors are using quizzes

  • 3
    Copy questions and answers

  • 4
    Copy landing page

  • 5
    Copy ads

  • 6
    Go live

  • 7

Before I share what’s going on, who am I?

My name is Nik and I run LeadsHook.

LeadsHook is used by marketers who don’t give testimonials!

Marketers spending millions of dollars per month in adspend, don’t create courses or share posts about their wins! They might create courses after they sell their business but I don’t know of a single true bona fide baller who will waste time creating a course!

(Yes, per month!)

This gives me a front-seat in the lead gen world

Plus, I create, review and fix funnels everyday.

Over time I’ve learnt, the main reason why people fail is not because they can’t put together a bunch of questions and answers.

It’s because they lack the ‘other’ hidden, rarely spoken about skills you need to go from… a bunch of questions and answers… to a live marketing campaign.

This implementation guide helps identify your capability gap(s). And gives you a simplified roadmap to take the output of Alen’s framework and bring it to life. 

The Ultimate Guide for Creating 7, 8 and Even 9-Figure Quiz Funnels Using Decision Trees…

As you’ll soon see, decision trees are quiz funnels on steroids because they allow you to create richer experiences than the plain old linear quiz funnels…

The above image is of LeadsHook which allows you to create scalable decision trees, aka, quiz funnels on steroids!  On the left hand side, you see a decision tree and on the right you see what is typically seen as a quiz funnel.

Many quiz funnels start out as a simple linear funnel seen on the right hand side. And, as you learn more, it evolves into what you see on the left.

Many users of LeadsHook generate leads in high value, high volume verticals like Solar, Debt, Refinance, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Car Finance, Business Loans, Personal Loans, Personal Injury, Unfair Dismissals and many other related markets.

And, info-marketing and affiliate marketing with personalized reports, pdfs, offer-walls and dynamic-offers…

Millions of leads have been generated including funnels that have done about 200,000 leads per day!

Massive scale: Doing 200,000 leads per day with LeadsHook!
As you can see the power of funnels is well established and proven.

Real World Examples of Quiz Funnels…

Within a few minutes of scrolling on your favorite social media platform, you’ll run into an ad leading to a quiz funnel

Click to see larger image
Click to see larger image

Unfortunately, when running everything at scale, you will get copied! Of course, there are no shortage of strategies around copying what works…

 There is an ever-present danger of getting funnel hacked…

Click to see larger image
Source | Source | Source

Now if your funnel only has one linear path… a string of questions with zero variation, then you’ll get funnel hacked. And really have no one else to blame but yourself. Often it’s too late by the time you find out.

The best offense is adding in enough complexity that someone copies what looks like a linear path when in fact it’s not!

Thankfully, we know plenty of decision trees that have safely continued to perform with no changes for months if not years, as you’ll see below…

At least in the case of quiz funnels using LeadsHook decision trees these funnels have the experience of a linear funnel but look like something else under-the-hood (like what you see above on the left hand side).

7 Capabilities for High Volume
‘Unhackable’ Lead Gen

Even if you bang-out a quiz funnel in a few minutes, it does not mean you’ll be able to scale or even get to the starting line to launch one.

Based on my experience of having worked on thousands of funnels generating millions of leads in some of the most hyper-competitive markets, please watch this video on what it takes to truly scale quiz funnels…

Why Do Quiz Funnels Work?

While we won’t go into the persuasion and copywriting required in this implementation guide, arguably even more important than the quiz funnel itself is not even in the quiz…

… it’s a promise of an outcome!

It’s a story, hook and message addressing an unrecognized need or providing a new spin on an existing issue that stops your prospect…
The most universally applicable way to do this is to abstract your product or solution to a higher level so you can talk at the level where the most of the market is.

A shortcut is… tying your product to the “zeitgeist” or the current mood.

Example: While I might have the best insurance offer, you will access a much larger audience if your messaging was at current “cost of living crisis” level instead of “get cheap insurance” level.

When you’re solving cheap insurance, a small percentage of prospects might give you 5 seconds…

But, when you’re addressing the cost of living crisis, you can easily expand attention from a few seconds to a few minutes from a much larger proportion of the market!

With a higher level of abstraction, you pretty much have the market to yourself.

What type of results can you start getting…


When combined with a decision tree, your quiz funnel is unhackable and can run for months if not years without any edits!

Here’s a funnel that’s been running since 2017 with almost no changes…

The above decision tree was sold as part of a multi-dollar transaction so you’re only seeing numbers from the new owners who took over on 1st Nov 2023. Original decision tree was setup in March 2017.

No matter what market you’re in, if you have an opportunity to learn about someone and then give them a solution or next step, then you should test a quiz funnel.

Remember the quid pro quo is… if you give me a tiny bit of your attention, then I’ll give you the pathway to value exceeding many times the time and a tiny bit of information about your situation.

You’re taking your prospect on an emotional journey – one that leads them from curious to committed, from problem-aware to solution-ready.

This type of consultative selling is about as old as selling itself. Quiz funnels makes consultative selling far more scalable and efficient.

By the end of the quiz, the prospect feels seen, understood, and most importantly – hopeful.

The results page… the page where you offer understanding and lead them to their next step, not only validates their challenges but presents a clear, compelling solution.

Your prospect can almost taste the joy and confidence that comes with achieving their desired outcome. Suddenly, investing in your program or booking a call feels like the most obvious, natural, and exciting next step.

A by-product of a great quiz funnel is data…

Amazingly we see very few marketers exploiting this ability to gather data for a deep understanding of the segments converting (and not converting). Conversions are not equal and understanding various segments opens up many opportunities for scaling – this is arguably one of the most under-exploited opportunities.

Of course, we want the data to further validate our initial idea about our target market. And, also learn about other market segments and clusters of profits sitting inside your customer database.

10 Phases for Implementing
Quiz Funnels Using LeadsHook

In this guide, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of creating high-converting quiz funnels using Alen’s framework that engages, inspires, and sells.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a newbie entrepreneur, you’ll discover how to leverage the psychological principles of persuasion to turn cold leads into raving fans and customers.

  • Please note: As a 3rd party creator of Alen’s framework, we aim to quickly correct any mistakes, “under-understanding” or misunderstanding. Please inform.

Based on thousands of decision trees created and millions of leads generated, here are the main phases you’ll go through to create a quiz funnel…


The phases below show you a ‘non-BS’ version of what it actually takes to build a funnel that has already done 7,8 or even 9 figures.

Yes, you will need to do some work! 🙂

Phase 1: Map out the entire funnel.

Watch the video below below and save yourself a lot of needless pain, deadline delays and costly mistakes by mapping out the process or flow of your quiz funnel.

A successful quiz campaign appears much easier than it is. Follow the phases below to increase your chances of a successful campaign…

Phase 2: Create a project plan which clearly maps out WHO is going to do WHAT by WHEN. Please watch the first video above for an overview.

As your saw in the video above “7 Capabilities for High Volume
‘Unhackable’ Lead Gen”, knowing the steps or order of steps is not enough. Now, it’s time to see what capabilities you need and more importantly WHO is going to do the work…

Now, it’s time to ensure you’ve identified the haps in your capability and close these gaps…

Remember, you’ll only realize the true cost or the opportunity cost of wasting your hard-earned capital on sloppy execution after it’s too late.


Download this Launch Checklist by clicking the image below.

Phase 3: Create your quiz funnel as described by Alen using this step-by-step implementation guide…

Please go through Alen’s post again before creating a quiz.

We’ve gone through Alen’s post and did our best to break it down into individual steps…

Feel free to use this or work directly from Alen’s post. 

Step 1: Create a Compelling Ad or Quiz Landing Page

  • The journey begins with a curiosity-driven headline that promises a desirable outcome.

  • For high emotional markets, use the formula "DISCOVER HOW TO [desired outcome]."

  • For low emotional markets, try "DISCOVER WHY [desired outcome]."

  • High Emotional: "Discover How to Melt Stubborn Fat and Finally Get the Body You Desire"

  • Low Emotional: "Discover Why Most Diets Fail and What You Can Do Differently"

Step 2: Start the Quiz with Positive, Identity-Focused Questions

  • Open the quiz with 3-4 questions that tap into their aspirations and self-image. Use "towards" language like "I want to", "I'd like to", "I wish to", etc. You can also use "You" for a more disassociated effect.

  1. “My dream body is…”
    1. Slim, toned, and energized
    2. Strong, fit, and athletic
    3. Healthy, confident, and comfortable in my skin
  2. “I’m ready to invest in my health and wellbeing because…”
    1. I’m tired of feeling self-conscious and want to love how I look
    2. I know that when I prioritize myself, I’m a better [parent/spouse/friend]
    3. I’m ready to set a positive example and be a role model for my [kids/family/friends]

Step 3: Transition to Neutral Questions

  • Move into 3-4 questions that inquire about their current situation and behaviors. Use language like

  • “I tend to”
  • “Sometimes I”
  • “Once in a while I”
  • And gradually switching from "You" to "I" for ownership.

  1. “On a typical day, my eating habits include…”
    1. Skipping meals or forgetting to eat because I’m busy
    2. Snacking throughout the day, often on convenient but unhealthy options
    3. Overeating at night after restricting all day
  2. “When I’m stressed or emotional, I tend to…”
    1. Reach for comforting foods like sweets or carbs
    2. Lose my appetite and undereat
    3. Overindulge in snacks or fast food to cope

Step 4: Move into Negative "Away" Questions

  • In this crucial section, ask 4-5 questions that highlight their problem and get them to admit their struggles.

  • Use "I am" language for ownership and accountability.

  1. “When I think about my past weight loss attempts, I feel…”
    1. Frustrated that I couldn’t stick with it long-term
    2. Embarrassed that I let myself regain the weight
    3. Discouraged that no matter what I try, I can’t keep it off
    4. Ashamed that I don’t have enough willpower to succeed
  2. “The #1 thing I’m afraid of is…”
    1. That I’ll never reach my weight loss goals and I’ll be stuck feeling this way forever
    2. That my weight is holding me back from living life to the fullest
    3. That my health will decline and I won’t be there for my loved ones
    4. That I’ll pass on unhealthy habits to my children

Step 5 (Optional): Ask a Pressure-Release Question

  • Wrap up the quiz with a question that shifts their focus towards the solution.

  • Frame it as "What would you like instead?" with 4 choice outcomes, each leading to a personalized results page

  1. “When it comes to solving my weight loss struggles, I’m looking for…”
    1. A sustainable plan that helps me build healthy habits for life
    2. A program that addresses the root causes of my weight gain
    3. A supportive community and accountability to keep me on track
    4. An expert-guided system that takes the guesswork out of losing weight

Step 6: Present Quiz Results with Empathy and Authority

  • Thank the prospect for taking the quiz and build rapport using comfort language that shows they're not alone in their struggles.


“I know how challenging and frustrating weight loss can be.

Like you, I’ve struggled with yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, and feelings of hopelessness.

But the good news is, there’s a solution that addresses the missing piece in most failed diets – and that’s what I’m excited to share with you today.”

Step 7: Introduce the "Bad News" (Unique Mechanism behind the Problem)

  • Based on their quiz answers, explain the root cause of their struggles using the Unique Mechanism behind the Problem (UMP).


“Based on your quiz results, it seems the biggest thing holding you back is a damaged metabolism from years of restrictive dieting. 

Here’s what happens: every time you drastically cut calories, your body thinks you’re starving and goes into survival mode. 

Your metabolism slows to a crawl, and your body starts clinging to every calorie, making it nearly impossible to lose weight and keep it off.”

Step 8: Reveal the "Good News" (Unique Mechanism behind the Solution)

  • Introduce your unique solution that addresses the missing piece using the Unique Mechanism behind the Solution (UMS).


“The solution to repairing your metabolism and finally achieving lasting weight loss is my proprietary 4-phase system. 

Instead of shocking your body with extreme restriction, we focus on strategic cycling of nutrients to gently bring your metabolism back to a thriving state. 

This process rebalances your hunger hormones, increases your calorie-burning capacity, and triggers effortless fat loss – all while eating delicious, satisfying meals.”

Step 9: Transition into Your Offer

  • Invite the prospect to take the next step, whether it's purchasing a product, booking a call, or registering for a webinar.


“If you’re ready to break free from the dieting trap and achieve your dream body without deprivation or struggle, I invite you to learn more about my Metabolic Fat Melting program.

It’s the exact system I’ve used to help thousands of women just like you lose stubborn weight, reclaim their energy, and step into the best version of themselves.

Click the button below to see if you qualify – I’d love to support you on this journey!”

Sample Quiz

Here’s a complete sample quiz for you to study the pattern…

1. [Positive] My dream body is…

A) Slim, toned, and energized
B) Strong, fit, and athletic
C) Healthy, confident, and comfortable in my skin
D) Vibrant, glowing, and full of vitality 

2. [Positive] I’m ready to invest in my health and wellbeing because…

A) I’m tired of feeling self-conscious and want to love how I look
B) I know that when I prioritize myself, I’m a better [parent/spouse/friend]
C) I’m ready to set a positive example and be a role model for my [kids/family/friends]
D) I want to experience life to the fullest and create lasting memories 

3. [Positive] The biggest motivator for me to lose weight is…

A) To feel confident and proud of my appearance
B) To have more energy and stamina for the things I love
C) To improve my health markers and reduce my risk of chronic diseases
D) To prove to myself that I can achieve anything I set my mind to 

4. [Neutral] On a typical day, my eating habits include…

A) Skipping meals or forgetting to eat because I’m busy
B) Snacking throughout the day, often on convenient but unhealthy options
C) Overeating at night after restricting all day
D) Making mostly balanced choices, but struggling with portion control 

5. [Neutral] When I’m stressed or emotional, I tend to…

A) Reach for comforting foods like sweets or carbs
B) Lose my appetite and undereat
C) Overindulge in snacks or fast food to cope
D) Turn to food as a reward or distraction 

6. [Neutral] My biggest challenge when it comes to sticking to a diet is…

A) Feeling deprived and restricted, which leads to cravings and binges
B) Lack of time and energy to plan and prepare healthy meals
C) Social situations and temptations that derail my progress
D) Boredom and mindless eating, especially in the evenings 

8. [Negative] The When I think about my past weight loss attempts, I feel…

A) Frustrated that I couldn’t stick with it long-term
B) Embarrassed that I let myself regain the weight
C) Discouraged that no matter what I try, I can’t keep it off
D) Ashamed that I don’t have enough willpower to succeed 

8. [Negative] The #1 thing I’m afraid of is…

A) That I’ll never reach my weight loss goals and I’ll be stuck feeling this way forever
B) That my weight is holding me back from living life to the fullest
C) That my health will decline and I won’t be there for my loved ones
D) That I’ll pass on unhealthy habits to my children 

9. [Negative] I feel like I’ve tried everything to lose weight, but I still struggle with…

A) Uncontrollable cravings and late-night snacking
B) Emotional eating and using food to cope with stress
C) A slow metabolism and difficulty burning fat
D) Inconsistency and falling off track after a few weeks 

10. [Negative] The most frustrating part of being stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting is…

A) Feeling like a failure every time I regain the weight
B) The constant obsession with food and body image
C) Missing out on life experiences because of my insecurities
D) The toll it takes on my self-esteem and relationships 

11. [Optional Pressure-Release] When it comes to solving my weight loss struggles, I’m looking for…

A) A sustainable plan that helps me build healthy habits for life
B) A program that addresses the root causes of my weight gain
C) A supportive community and accountability to keep me on track
D) An expert-guided system that takes the guesswork out of losing weight 

Phase 4: Implement Quiz Funnel as a LeadsHook Decision Tree

In the video below, you’ll see how to quickly transfer the quiz funnel you’ve created into a LeadsHook decision tree.

Phase 5: Create & Implement Your Offer or Next Step (end)

The video below is arguably the most important one. You’ll learn the 10 different ways you can transition your leads to the next step or offer.

You can even transition different leads into different options based on their lead scores or ‘cluster’ of answers…

Phase 6: Create & Implement Your Landing Page

It’s time to go back to the top and position the quiz…

The reason we are doing the landing page now is because you now have the visibility of the quiz and where your leads will end up.

You’ll also learn if your funnels need a landing page or perhaps need a pre-framing page or an advertorial…

And in some markets you can embed the quiz directly into the landing page. And in some markets you can send traffic directly to the quiz.  

Phase 7: Design

Design discussions spark heated debates all the time! 🙂

While it’s nice to be pixel perfect before launch, you’ll see the little device we all use is a great equalizer and often renders our hard work and labor into the invisible part of the funnel.

Watch this video to discover both sides and a few guidelines on how you should start your quiz funnel… 

Phase 8: Implement Tracking & Analytics

Are you in the… “let’s add tracking later camp?”

Watch the video below where we go through a 5-min tracking hack… 

Phase 9: Testing Information, Analytics & Money

The 3 things you must test before going live…

Phase 10: Go-live without Needlessly Going Back into Learning Mode over and over again.

In this step, you’ll discover a way to go live that practically stops you from ever having to needlessly go back into learning mode.

We won’t (publicly) discuss the evil genius ways you can use this capability! 

If you follow the above steps and study the sample quiz, then it’s almost impossible to not create high converting quiz funnels…

By following this step-by-step process, you can create quiz funnels that not only capture your audience’s attention but also guide them through a transformative journey.

As you lead with empathy, authority, and a clear, compelling solution, you’ll find that selling becomes a natural extension of serving your people.

So go forth and craft quizzes that connect, convert, and change lives. Your dream customers are waiting to be found, nurtured, and inspired by your unique brand of magic. 

Happy quizzing!

P.S. Thank you Alen Sultanic for sharing “The Hidden Architecture of Quiz Funnels” framework