How to Add Click-to-Call Button

Introduction HTML5 includes a protocol for making an element clickable and opening the phone app and adding the number to call. This makes it very easy to add a Click-to-Call button in your Decision Tree. Take note, make sure to include target=”_blank” as this is the only way that this would work for IOS users. […]

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How to Calculate Time Spent in a Node

Introduction In this article, you will learn how to calculate the time spent in a node. Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Create a custom field named time_enter. Step 2: Create a custom field named time_exit. Step 3: Create a calculated custom field for the time spent. Please do not forget to include the formula as shown […]

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How to add a slider? To enter numerical answer

Introduction This guide illustrates how to add a slider to your decision tree in LeadsHook, enabling your leads to provide numerical answers easily. Example:     Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Create a number answer custom field Step 2: Create a slider Step 3: Format the slider as needed. Conclusion: Adding a slider to your decision […]

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