IMPORTANT: You can use this as an alternative for Debounce, as Debounce is currently not accepting new users right now. Emailable is an alternate solution for real-time email verification. You may sign up for an account with with them by going to their website: STEP 1: Create Q&A Email field STEP 2: Click the Add […]
Articles Tagged: emails
How to Setup Real-Time Email Verification with Emailable
IMPORTANT: You can use this as an alternative for Debounce, as Debounce is currently not accepting new users right now. Emailable is an alternate solution for real-time email verification. You may sign up for an account with with them by going to their website: STEP 1: Create Q&A Email field STEP 2: Click the Add […]
How to Setup Real-Time Email Verification with ZeroBounce
ZeroBounce is an alternate solution for real-time email verification. You may sign up for an account with ZeroBounce by going to their website IMPORTANT: Zerobounce NO longer works for Leadshook. Please use the other alternatives below. STEP 1: Create Q&A Email field STEP 2: Click the Add Scripts button STEP 3: Enter the name […]
How to Send Emails from Your Own Domain Using Amazon Simple Email Service
Introduction: In this step-by-step article you’ll get instructions on how to send emails from your domain even if it used in some other software like GSuite. Can I send email from a domain I am using with Gsuite? Absolutely, you can. You can use any existing or new email address on any domain you own […]
How to Setup Real-Time Email Verification
IMPORTANT: Deounce NO longer accepts new users. You cannot use this method for Leadshook anymore. Please use the other alternatives below. In this article, you’ll learn how to setup Real-Time Email Verification Before You Begin… Please review this article on LeadsHook Data Validation & Verification Email verification will only work with System Custom Field: Email (see below). The API […]