
This guide breaks down how to add third-party tracking scripts in LeadsHook. These scripts are generally used for tracking and analytics purposes.


  • An active LeadsHook account
  • Basic understanding of tracking scripts or pixels


Most tracking scripts consist of two parts:

  1. A base or global script – This is the main tracking script, like the Google Analytics script or Facebook Pixel.
  2. Node or action-specific scripts – These fire specific events based on user actions within the decision tree.

LeadsHook provides 3 ways to add 3rd Party Scripts

1. Global Scripts

If there are scripts that you’ll use or apply to more than one decision tree then use the Global Scripts feature. The most common use is for a base pixel so you can apply to multiple decision trees and all nodes inside each decision tree.

Almost always, global scripts are “SET and FORGET”.

LeadsHook - How to Add Tracking Scripts.  Global Tracking Scripts
LeadsHook - How to Add Tracking Scripts.  Global Tracking Scripts
LeadsHook - How to Add Tracking Scripts.  Global Tracking Scripts

Repeat the above steps and add all of your global scripts. This will make life easy when creating decision trees.

Add Global Scripts to Your Decision Tree

Go to your decision tree and select the Global scripts you want to apply…

LeadsHook - How to Add Tracking Scripts
Apply Global Script
LeadsHook - How to Add Tracking Scripts
Click Global Scripts You Want to Apply To Decision Tree

2. Decision-Tree Specific Scripts

LeadsHook - How to Add Tracking Scripts

There is no need to apply decision tree specific scripts. They will be automatically applied.

3. Node Level Scripts

LeadsHook Event Tracking Node Level Tracking

You can fire any js script you want…

LeadsHook Node Level Tracking
LeadsHook Node Level Tracking Select Event Type
LeadsHook Node Level Tracking Select Event Type
Select event type

Types of Events

Enter: Fire when node is loaded (i.e your prospects, leads and customers see a node)

Exit: Fire when someone exits a node

Select: Fire when someone selects an answer

Deselect: Fire when someone deselects an answer Examples

When Your Prospects LAND on your Decision Tree…

LeadsHook Identify event
Segment Tracking Event

When Your Prospects & Leads Complete your Decision Tree…

LeadsHook Identify event
Segment Identify Event

Use of Custom Fields Inside Events

LeadsHook Pass Custom Field Values to Google, Facebook and any other tracking or analytics system


Third-party tracking scripts allow you to monitor and analyze user interactions within your decision trees. By strategically implementing these scripts, you can gain valuable insights that can guide your optimization efforts.


  • Can I use multiple tracking scripts within a single decision tree?
    • Yes, you can use multiple scripts at both global and decision-tree specific levels.

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